Russian doctrine of international law after the annexation of Crimea

Oleksandr Zadorozhnii

Видавництво: К.І.С.

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130 грн Книга недоступна для продажу


The monograph is a comprehensive study of approaches adopted by the Russian doctrine of international law regarding the 2013-2015 events which are directly or indirectly connected with international legal relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation – the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, the use of force by Russia in Crimea, the annexation of the peninsula, and the armed conflict in parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The monograph offers an analysis of the key arguments produced to justify the “lawfulness” of Russia’s actions and expose “violations of international law by Ukraine” and evaluates the conclusions drawn by Russian researchers from the standpoint of international legal norms and principles, the practice of their application, and modern approaches in global international law. The author identifies the changes that took place in the Russian doctrine on the main issues in international legal regulation of relations between states under the influence of the 2013–2015 events and summarizes the special features of contemporary doctrinal approaches and the main tendencies of their transformation.

The book is intended for everyone interested in contemporary issues in international law.

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Russian doctrine of international law after the annexation of Crimea
Назва (мовою оригіналу)
Российская доктрина международного права после аннексии Крыма
Oleksandr Zadorozhnii
Рік видання
Місце видання
Кількість сторінок
Юридична література
Категорія Thema
1DTA - Визначники місця / Європа / Східна Європа / Росія. Російська Федерація1DTN - Визначники місця / Європа / Східна Європа / УкраїнаLB - Право / Міжнародне право
Ключові слова
Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, annexation, international law


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